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Your Pregnancy Week by Week
2st Trimester: Pregnancy Week 17

Welcome to the world of parenting!

An exciting journey is about to start and Mothercare, through this journal, is going to be by your side and advise you throughout your pregnancy weeks.

Get informed about everything that parents need to know such as pregnancy, baby growth, body and psychology changes, doctor examinations and appointments and of course parturition, breastfeeding and baby care.

Our midwife and lactation consultant IBCLC Ms Georgia Leze every week is going to show you a special path to a healthy and happy baby.

Pregnancy Week 17

When it comes to week 17 in your pregnancy, it's those little things that count. Tiny changes both with your body and your growing baby are starting to take place, but you are still able to go about your day-to-day life (and you can still tie your own shoelaces). 

Your bump is growing a bit every day, and so is your little one. Pregnancy symptoms at week 17 are still fairly subtle on the most part, so enjoy the honeymoon period.

from this week onwards you'll gain about one pound a week

you might be able to feel your baby fluttering around particularly if you’ve had a baby before. If not, do not worry! You will feel it soon

it's normal to feel a bit nervous but it's important to relax

Υou at Pregnancy Week 17

Your heart is beating for two this week, as it has a lot more blood to pump around your system. This means you might feel a bit breathless and sweaty. To make your heart race a little bit more, you might start to feel your little one moving around in your tummy.

It's a tiny feeling at first, a bit like a fluttering or bubbling sensation, so if you're a first time mum you might not catch on for a few weeks.

Υour baby at Pregnancy Week 17

The umbilical cord is getting stronger and thicker to match your growing baby. They're about the size of your hand by now and weigh roughly the same as a turnip. As they starting to fatten up, their skin will begin to lose its wrinkly look. Their heart is being controlled by their own brain, so tiny heartbeats are a bit more regular. It's still beating at twice the speed of yours. Your baby is also developing sweat glands this week, so they can keep nice and cool once they enter the world.

Τhings to do in Pregnancy Week 17

Even if you're bursting with energy, it's important to start taking it easy. Feeling stressed isn't great at the best of times, but when you're pregnant, your baby needs you to be cool, calm and collected. If your friends ask "is there anything I can do?" don't be afraid to reply with "well, actually..." It's perfectly natural to start feeling a bit nervous at this stage in the pregnancy, as your hormones can start playing little tricks on you.

If you feel really like your stress or emotion levels are abnormal, have a chat with your doctor or midwife.